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Gay Erotica Short Story: The New Intern

     I jumped out of the bed that day already thinking about the second internship interview I had scheduled for a marketing company in New Washington. I have always wanted to get a job with that company and, thus, made sure I had my best tuxedo available for the interview. I also spent around 30 minutes in front of the mirror combing my hair to make sure I looked sexy that day (sometimes, it takes me forever to make my hair look right).The interview was supposed to happen in the office of the director, but I found out, when I got to there, that I had to go to the office of the Copy Editor. Odd, I thought, but didn’t think much of it. A teenage-looking employee named Collins, who looked like the richest guy in the area, greeted me and shook my hand. He was a tall, dark haired gem of a man, and looked like the kind of person that would stand out regardless of what clothes he was wearing, even if those were just a black thong I fantasized him in.

     At that moment, though, I had to remember to keep my thoughts in check. Wouldn’t want to ruin the interview by letting him know I had a crush on him. The office looked impressive and simple at the same time. It had all the necessities and a fancy leather couch that Collins was seating on. The most remarkable thing about the place, I concluded then, was the touch of success that impregnated the air.“He liked feeling important” was the last thought in my mind before the interview started. The meeting with him went remarkably well, since I felt like I managed to impress Collins and he looked satisfied with most of my answers. One thing he was doing quite often in the interview was getting up and walking in the room, as if trying to get away from where I was looking. I, however, had my eyes completely focused on him (it’s never good to look away during an interview and he was quite the male specimen himself). I also noticed his eyes dancing over me, checking every part of my body, but specifically looking at my crotch.

     Were my balls and cock making a huge bulge? I asked myself. Obviously, I couldn’t look down there. Hopefully, that wasn’t the case because it would be awkward as hell…Collins, who was sitting on his imposing leather chair, rose and said “I think that this is about all I wanted to ask you. I have to lunch with the head of the department, maybe you could come with me? He is the one that will make the final decision if we will hire you or not, so this could be a good opportunity for you to meet him in a friendlier environment. “O-of course”, I coughed a response as my mind started to adjust to the new situation. So far, things were going especially well for me. I went to the place and quickly adjusted my bulge. It was growing bigger as I was thinking about Collins and his perfectly defined ass under his office pants. Shortly after, he came with a man in tow who shook my hand and sat comfortably on a chair. “Nice to meet you”, he said with a confident and imposing voice, “I take that you are our new hire?” “I-I hope so, sir, if you will have me” I responded awkwardly.

     I heard plenty of good things about you from my friend Collins. Before we make a final decision on the matter, though, let’s have our lunch.” Said the man. “By the way, my name is Walt. I think I forgot to say that”. With that done and out of the way, we ordered some Brazilian food and quickly started talking about the work. Collins was sitting beside me and it was hard for to keep control of my thoughts (and bulge!), especially after the conversation had changed to more personal matters. My mind became my enemy during the conversations. Walt was a big man used to dominate other people during an exchange of words (if you can call it that, since it was mostly just him talking).He often touched me and used his oversized, manly hands to make his points. I had to contain myself from jumping every time he stroke my arms.I kept fantasizing about those hands cracking open my butt.
The place we were in was pretty small and tight. Collins was mostly silent during the conversation. He made his left leg touch mine and he never shied away from the contact. I didn’t mind it and, in fact, actually loved it. But I wondered if he knew I would quickly kneel in front of him. Could he see my growing bulge? My other fear was not being able to make it smaller after we were done eating and I had to sign some papers.

       Eventually, Walt announced that we should head back to the office. We took an elevator and quickly, it filled up with people. We were forced to the back of the thing and Collins stayed just in front of me, often grazing my bulge. Walt remained to my side and complaining about the lack of space. It was that time when I felt a hand looking for my ass. Initially, I didn’t think it was actually happening, since I was still semi-drunk, but then it happened again. Given how tight it was in the elevator, that action turned me on even more. Collins looked at me with the corner of his eye and I had to swallow a moan. I could barely believe on what was happening. Then, he grinned and I knew he wanted me. He knew I had fallen for him. My cock started throbbing as his hand kept looking for my ass. I knew I wanted more than just that. I stopped pretending nothing was going on and smiled back to him.
      Knowing that he wanted me made that situation even hotter. My eyes closed instinctively as his hand finally reached the crack of my butt. Then, I looked towards Walt and found out he was looking at what we were doing. His eyes were dancing as they looked over to Collins hands’ probing my ass. Then, the elevator stopped and I could finally breath and catch my breath. We quickly moved towards he office and didn’t even look at what was going on the other rooms. I heard someone saying something about getting a call, but that was it.

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